Function file: [X,Y] = op_fwd(lon,lat,params)

This function projects geodetic coordinates into cartesian projected coordinates in the defined cartographic projection using the PROJ function proj_trans_generic().


  • lon contains by default the geodetic longitude.
  • lat contains by default the geodetic latitude.
  • params is a text string containing the projection parameters in PROJ format (ONLY format ’+’ style is allowed, in any other case results are not guaranteed).


  • X contains by default the X projected coordinates.
  • Y contains by default the Y projected coordinates.

lon or lat can be scalars, vectors or 2D matrices. X and X will be according to the higher dimension input argument. Angular units are by default radians and linear meters, although other can be specified in params, so lon and lat must be congruent with params. The same applies to the coordinate order at input and output.

If a projection error occurs the resultant coordinates for the affected points have both Inf value and a warning message is emitted (one for each erroneous point).

See also: op_inv, op_transform.

Package: octproj